
适合对介入放射学感兴趣的学生, Johns Hopkins has received ACGME approval for an IR integrated residency 和 has implemented the Early Specialization in 介入放射学 (ESIR) training in Diagnostic Radiology.

The program is committed to providing residents with every possible means of training in IR/DR for those who decide to pursue interventional radiology after the first year, as well as the flexibility to select a different pathway if they discover that they prefer a diagnostic radiology subspecialty or molecular imaging.

Interventional radiology training includes exposure to a wide breadth 和 high volume of life-saving interventional vascular 和 oncologic procedures, as well as cutting-edge interventional treatments performed only at select highly experienced medical centers.

Residents learn how to image complicated vascular pathology using state-of-the-art scanners 和 protocols, 对指导介入管理至关重要. Johns Hopkins residents typically interpret more than 500 CT 和 MR angiography examinations by the end of their four years in diagnostic training 和 will perform at least 1,在为期2年的IR实习期间,完成了1000例手术.




The Johns Hopkins 介入放射学 (IR/DR) Residency Program is one of the largest training programs in both scope 和 numbers of procedures. 约翰霍普金斯大学有大量专门的IR住院推荐十大正规网赌平台, a large IR clinic volume of 150–200 patients each month who are seen in a surgical outpatient clinic 和 a busy consultative service managed by an IR fellow.


约翰霍普金斯医学院 virtual tour for prospective applicants of fellowships, 住院医师和继续医学教育.


介入放射学的领导者, Johns Hopkins’ history with formal interventional radiology education through postgraduate fellowship training is one of the oldest in the United States. 第一个IR奖学金班是在1969年, 多年来, was structured as a two-year training program centered on the “clinical model,, IR作为一种临床服务, 不仅仅是执行复杂的程序. Due to ongoing changes in the health care l和scape 和 job market forces, 国际关系奖学金项目于2001年改为一年期项目, 它当前的持续时间是什么.

然而, 需要更长、更有条理, 在IR方面的重点培训得到了更大的IR社区的认可. This eventually materialized with the American Board of Medical Specialties’ formal vote in 2012 to recognize IR as a primary specialty, 另一个则需要专门的IR住院医师. ACGME在2014年完成了IR住院医师培训课程, detailing a six-year integrated IR training pathway/residency 和 terminating the IR fellowship in 2020. The legacy of commitment to IR training evolution will culminate in a new IR residency at Johns Hopkins in 2020.

布莱恩·霍利 (IR/DR)住院医师项目主任是谁. 维持住院医师教育使命是Dr. Holly 和 the other IR faculty members dedicated to residency training. Six talented certified physician assistants who work alongside the IR fellows as colleagues 和 partners, 向研究员传授最佳的医师扩展模型.


